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Dream.....Believe....Achieve Infinite Possibilities!

To Inspire & Empower others to Be who they Truly Be. Living a life of Freedom from within, through partnering with the Horses from the Heart Space.

* FEEL *

Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning

Where the Horses are the Teachers and Healers. Is your Heart Calling you for something more...

Horse Partnership

   Just Be-ing with these Sentient beings provides a sense of peace, like deep meditation, allowing you to quiet your mind. When you quiet your mind you stop thought; when you stop thought you stop resistance;  when you stop are in a state of allowing. Then clarity and inner guidance can flow, you enhance the ability to tune into your non-verbal intelligence and you move towards a life in balance.


Barbara Alexander


Marie Spetz is a fantastic facilitator. Her sessions are openly intuitive, allowing input from the participant as well as from the horses, and guiding the session in a way that best suits the client's individual needs. Marie uses a variety of different exercises and tools to help the client achieve their desired goals. She is non-judgmental, warm and compassionate; someone you can trust to respect your boundaries.

My sessions with Marie - and her horses, Zorro, Rosie and Nikko - have been immensely helpful to me. I learn something new about myself every time. I am able to interact comfortably and safely with the animals, and take away messages that I can use in my day-to-day life. I strongly recommend Marie and her herd to anyone who needs some healing, insight and/or guidance. 

Danielle Cameron

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