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About Us

No horse experience is necessary, all interactions are done on the ground​

FEEL Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning


Experiential Learning is ‘learning by doing’ with reflection.  Interactions with horses directly reflect how we approach our everyday life. They are the mirror to our soul, there is no hiding behind the mask. It is a process where individuals gain knowledge and skills, about their non-verbal cues and the emotional intent of their actions.


So what is an Experience with a horse like… Well some people like to refer to as Magical.


Horses bring you out of your head and into your heart. Your intuition kicks in and the aha moments are endless. They empower you to be your Authentic true self. Horses are masters of emotions, you cannot lie to them; they know how you are feeling. Horses teach us to 'Be in the Moment' opportunities for deep connection and emotional healing. Setting boundaries, connection to your own body wisdom, self-discovery, and enlightment. Your potential is unlimited, live a life with passion, purpose and Joy.


The benefits are amazing. What is your passion let the horses empower you to move forward with your dreams.

  The equine system is like a huge receiver and amplifier for emotional vibrations.  no matter how good you are at hiding things from yourself and others, your nervous system still involuntarily broadcasts what you're  really feeling - at a frequency horses are especially good at tuning into. Compared to human beings, these animals are geniuses at sensing the feelings of others.


Linda Kohanov 

Why Horses


As prey animals horses have highly tuned senses – Non-verbal intelligence, the ability to read body language and the emotions being broadcasted out (vibrations) and  what the intent is behind them.. This allows them to sense peoples true feelings and intentions immediately. Are you being Authentic?

They teach us about authenticity- the truth of our emotions. They bring us out of our heads and into our hearts, our true inner self shines. They have no agenda, or judgements, they live in the moment. This allows them to perceive a threat and when it is over go back to grazing, they do not hold onto the fear they flow with it and return to balance - Emotional agility.


The benefits of experiential work with horses include lowered blood pressure and heart rate, decreased levels of stress, anger, tension and anxiety, creating peacefulness, calmness, balance, and  harmony a state of being, where you can have improved relationships, more trust, patience, confidence, and self- worth. The inner power of your true self.


Horses are Amazing Teachers and Healers


We Feel better when around horses. Recent studies conducted by the institute of HeartMath explain the biodirectional 'healing' that occurs when we are near horses. The Heart has a larger electromagnetic field and higher level of intelligence than the brain. The electromagnetic field projected by the the horses heart is five times larger than the human one and influence our own heart rhythm!





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